Wed, 28 December 2022
9 weeks ago I stopped eating vegetables and loaded my plate with ony animal products. The challenge is over but what happened? How do I feel? How did I change? What will happen now that the carnivore challenge is over? It's all in today's podcast. It's the last carnivore podcast! Any questions? Feel free to ask. STRONG START APPLICATION! Click to get the details and apply to find out if the challenge is right for you. Make sure to subscribe and share the podcast! Want To Grab Athletic Greens? |
Fri, 23 December 2022
Motivation gets you started but doesn't keep you going. For that, it takes discipline. But how can you be more disciplined to avoid excuses, to push off doing what you know you need to do and actually get the results you want? Let's talk it out in today's Friday Fit Quickie STRONG START REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! Click to get the details and sign up for instant access. Make sure to subscribe and share the podcast! Want To Grab Athletic Greens? |
Wed, 21 December 2022
You know the saying, "if you don't use it, you lose it" but how fast do you lose your fitness if you don't workout? How long does it take to lose strength, lean muscle and arerobic capacity? Plus, the surprising mental side of not working out. STRONG START REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! Click to get the details and sign up for instant access. Make sure to subscribe and share the podcast! Want To Grab Athletic Greens? |
Fri, 16 December 2022
Do you ever want to stop short of your rep goal? Or instead of 10 rounds of a circuit, quit after 7? Here's my secret training hack to make hard workouts easier so you get it all done. And no, dropping weight and cutting reps aren't included. Plus... it's officially Strong Start Season. Want the info? STRONG START REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! Click to get the details and sign up for instant access. Make sure to subscribe and share the podcast! Want To Grab Athletic Greens? |
Wed, 14 December 2022
It's been almost 8 weeks since I've had a salad, roasted asparagus or even a sweet potato. That's how long I've been on the Carnivore Diet and today I'm giving an update on how I feel, how my body looks and moves, and yes... we're talking about the bathroom changes too. All your questions answered. Listen in and if I left anything out, let me know. I'll do another full recap when this challenge is over! STRONG START REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! Click to get the details and sign up for instant access. If you enjoy, make sure to subscribe and share the podcast! Want To Grab Athletic Greens? |
Fri, 9 December 2022
Does alcohol affect your journey to get fit and healthy? Great question. Let's talk about it but also for more indepth and science on alcohol and your body, listen to episode 337. Ep. 337: Alcohol Is The 4th Macronutrient Other questions I answer:
Want to be on the early bird Strong Start List? If you enjoy, make sure to subscribe and share the podcast! Want To Grab Athletic Greens? |
Wed, 7 December 2022
You're probably seen the "Ick" trend on social media where couples share the annoying things their partners do. But what about the annoying things fitness and nutrition influencers do? Today is a fun episode breaking down the 10 biggest fitness icks! From changing your diet depending on your cycle to doing exercises on a stability ball... we're covering a lot. But don't worry, we're taking it as a chance ot learn and break free of the icks! Want to be on the early bird Strong Start List? If you enjoy, make sure to subscribe and share the podcast! Want To Grab Athletic Greens? |
Fri, 2 December 2022
Even the most avid fitness enthusiasts lose motivation. Listen to find out how to revamp your commitment to workout and re-energize yourself to move your body. Plus, the holidays are here so how can you stay on top of your nutrition while enjoying the parties, the drinks and the baked goods? I'm glad you asked... let's talk about it. Black Friday at FWW Live (just for podcast): Want To Grab Athletic Greens? |
Wed, 30 November 2022
Trigger warning: This episode talks about eating disorders and body dysmorphia. If that is something that triggers you, skip this episode or skip to 23.52 in the show. I'm opening up and baring my vulnerable side once again to share my experience with body dysmorphia... the why, what it makes those who suffer feel like and what I've been doing to help overcome my disorted outlook to learn to love my body (and self). If you can relate, I am sorry. I am here to talk! Other topics in today's show:
Black Friday at FWW Live (just for podcast): Want To Grab Athletic Greens? |
Wed, 23 November 2022
![]() Cori Lefkowith from Redefining Strength joins me for an awesome convo where we talk: - How to be okay with subpar goals during the holidays - Tips on tracking and getting back on track with nutrition - How to define the "best shape of your life" - The ultimate Thanksgiving sandwich - And more! Listen in and visit to connect and learn more about Cori! Black Friday at FWW Live: Want To Grab Athletic Greens?
Fri, 18 November 2022
Looking for tips on how to portion your Thanksgiving or how to make traditional meals healthier? You've come to the wrong place. Listen in to learn how to have the healthiest Thanksgiving for your body and mind! And tell me: What's your favorite Thanskgiving side dish? I'm weird and LOVE green bean casserole. Black Friday FWW Live Deal: Want To Grab Athletic Greens? |
Wed, 16 November 2022
Yup, you read that title right. For a week, I've been transitioning to eat a carnivore based diet. Before you think I'm nuts, listen to this show to learn why. And why I would NEVER recommend this to a client, friend, or podcast listener. The symptons, pros, cons, and everything I've experienced so far after a little more than a week. For more information on why I'm not afraid of red meat, How To Show Your Love For FWW Podcast? Black Friday FWW Live Deal: Complete the 14 Day FREE Ignite Reset Program! Want To Grab Athletic Greens? |
Fri, 11 November 2022
If you're tracking macros/calories... should you eat the extra calories that MyFitnessPal suggests after workouts? Knowing the answer will help you continue on the road to results! Plus: BLACK FRIDAY news. I'm sharing what the plan is for my traditional Black Friday event and I can't wait for you to know. If you're interested, DM me or email. And finally... are you living your fitness? It's a much more important question than it may sound. Let's talk it out. Complete the 14 Day FREE Ignite Reset Challenge! Ready to try Athletic Greens? Go to and use code FWW for the best deal.
Direct download: 11-10-calories_from_exercise_-_111022_12.39_PM.mp3
Category:Fitness for Women -- posted at: 12:00am PST |
Wed, 9 November 2022
It's just you and me today and I'm excited to answer questions and chat like we're sitting with a cup of coffee... or tea... or wine. Today's big questions include: 1. If you have been told you have long femurs... what does that mean? Should you stop squatting? Do you need to squat differently? Yes and maybe no. Listen in! 2. How do you properly carb load for a half marathon? Is it even necessary and is eating a big bowl of pasta the night before good enough? I'll also talk about breaking free of sugar cravings and my favorite least talked about kitchen gadgets I can't live without. Ready to try Athletic Greens? Go to and use code FWW for the best deal. Complete the 14 Day FREE Ignite Reset Challenge! |
Fri, 4 November 2022
You've heard this before: the only way to get results is to be consistent. That's great but with a busy life how can you build a consistent habit around fitness and nutrition? By expecting less of yourself. Listen in to hear the Friday Fit Quickie and let me know your thoughts. Complete the 14 Day FREE Ignite Reset Challenge! |
Wed, 2 November 2022
When an athlete stops being an athlete, there's often an identity crisis trying to figure out what's new and learning how to identify themselves without their sport. Crossfit teams champion, Tasia Percevecz, talks openly on her journey from being a professional athlete to creating a new life with new passions around runninng, nutrition, hiking and more. Hope you love this episode as much as I did recording it. Super girl crush! Complete the 14 Day FREE Ignite Reset Challenge! |
Fri, 28 October 2022
I've been a trainer for over 15 years! Over that time I've learned a lot to be the best trainer to women and the best trainer for myself. I've made mistakes along the way and I want to make sure you don't make them or that you learn from them like I did. Listen up and let me know your thoughts! FINISH FIT CHALLENGE STARTS 10/31: Complete the 14 Day FREE Ignite Reset Challenge! |
Wed, 26 October 2022
Working out at home has a lot of advantages but one major disadvantage is the selection of weights that most of us have. If your dumbbell, kettlebell or plate selection is limited, this is a must listen to episode. 3 ways to help get results when your strength training equipment is limited! Did you now 80% of people mostly turn to home workouts? Listen to make sure you're getting the most out of each home session. FINISH FIT CHALLENGE STARTS 10/31: Complete the 14 Day FREE Ignite Reset Challenge!
Direct download: 10-25gain_strength_with_light_weights.mp3
Category:Fitness for Women -- posted at: 12:00am PST |
Fri, 21 October 2022
Building muscle isn't as easy as doing a few squats, deadliftts and overhead presses. It takes a little more effort (but it's super doable). If you're having a hard time adding muscle or you're just starting your muscle toning journey... listen up to these three MOST important muscle building tips. FINISH FIT CHALLENGE STARTS 10/31: Complete the 14 Day FREE Ignite Reset Challenge! |
Wed, 19 October 2022
Kelsy Dominick Hall is the designer and owner the DiDominico Design. She creates jaw dropping gowns and was the first designer to showcase a collection in Cuba. We chat fashion, fitness, inspiration, struggles and more. Let's get outside of the gym today and explore our strengths in the fashion world. Enjoy! Connect With FWW: FINISH FIT CHALLENGE STARTS 10/31: Complete the 14 Day FREE Ignite Reset Challenge! |
Fri, 14 October 2022
Love the show? Support the show by sharing this episode with friends! Every wonder why you get so cold (even the shivers) after a workout? I have the answer. Plus a big announcement about this year's Finish Fit event. 6 weeks of finess, nutrition and everything you need ot finish the year as strong as possible! Registration opens Monday but because you're a podcast friend, you can get access early (Saturday 10/15). Email or slide into my DMs for the details. Connect With FWW: Complete the 14 Day FREE Ignite Reset Challenge! --> Interested in having me as your private trainer?--> |
Wed, 12 October 2022
Before you go any farther with kettlebells or you think about doing another swing, stop and listen to this episode where I share the 10 important things everyone should know about kettlebells. This is for complete newbies thinking about trying kettlebells or seasoned pros wanting to learn more and feel more confident with their kettlebell knowledge. What's your favorite kettlebell fact? Connect More With FWW: Complete the 14 Day FREE Ignite Reset Challenge! --> Interested in having me as your private trainer?--> Love the podcast? Officially join the FWW Podcast fit fam by sharing this episode and tagging me! |
Fri, 7 October 2022
Ads, influencers, trainers, etc... they all want you to think if you buy their product that your goals are easy peasy to achieve. The truth is... changing your body is hard. Whether you're trying to lose weight or gain weight... it can be tough and we have to set realistic ideas on what work you have to expec to do. Let's get real. Connect More With FWW: Complete the 14 Day FREE Ignite Reset Challenge! --> Interested in having me as your private trainer?--> Love the podcast? Officially join the FWW Podcast fit fam by sharing this episode and tagging me! |
Wed, 5 October 2022
How many times have you ever thought, "This is an idea for a killer product!" and actually followed through with it? That's what Nicole Biscuiti did... she had an idea and instead of hoping someone else would make it happen, she made it happen. Now that little idea is a thriving brand: Chestee. A one of a kind appearal brand helping women battle through the toughest workouts unscathed. Listen in for some business talk, motivation, fitness, and more! Visit: Connect More With FWW: Complete the 14 Day FREE Ignite Reset Challenge! --> Interested in having me as your private trainer?--> Love the podcast? Officially join the FWW Podcast fit fam by sharing this episode and tagging me! |
Fri, 30 September 2022
You're an amazing women but you have to believe it. You are stronger than you give yourself credit for. Don't wuss out... listen to this short episode where I do my best to give the ultimate pep talk! Free mantra included. Connect More With FWW: Complete the 14 Day FREE Ignite Reset Challenge! --> Interested in having me as your private trainer?--> Love the podcast? Officially join the FWW Podcast fit fam by sharing this episode and tagging me! |
Wed, 28 September 2022
Squats, deadlifts or barbell hip thrusts? Which is backed by science to be the top leg exercise in terms of activating the most muscles? Listen and find out. I hate thrusters so I hope that's not the winner. Plus the Law of Thirds, being the best partner isn't always a good thing, and more! If you're interested in my Fall Into Food Nutrition Program, let me know and you'll be put on the the first to know list! Email or DM me. Connect More With FWW: Complete the 14 Day FREE Ignite Reset Challenge! --> Interested in having me as your private trainer?--> Love the podcast? Officially join the FWW Podcast fit fam by sharing this episode and tagging me! |
Fri, 23 September 2022
Friday Fit Quickie! A few thoughts on marriage followed up with answering a recent listener question: How to get wedding shape ready? Though I'm going to open this up to how to get in shape for any big event. Listen up because my answer might surprise you! Connect More With FWW: Complete the 14 Day FREE Ignite Reset Challenge! --> Interested in having me as your private trainer?--> Love the podcast? Officially join the FWW Podcast fit fam by sharing this episode and tagging me! |
Wed, 21 September 2022
You can't just flip a switch and start loving your body. So if you battle with body image, how do you start to create a better, healthier relationship? This episode is very personal and very honest as I share my own body image battles and body dismorphia. But it's important to share so we can come together and be stronger and happier than ever knowing we're not alone. To check out Fiona's NEW community and be one of the to be included, head to Connect More With FWW: Complete the 14 Day FREE Ignite Reset Challenge! --> Interested in having me as your private trainer?--> Love the podcast? Officially join the FWW Podcast fit fam by sharing this episode and tagging me! |
Fri, 16 September 2022
Sometimes our brains make us think we can't do something. Right before a workout it tells you "Why are you doing this?" But you can. Don't let your brain convince you that you're not capable of knocking out a hard workout or challenge. Here's how to get out of your own head and celebrating feeling strong and accomplished! More From FWW: Complete the 14 Day FREE Ignite Reset Challenge! --> Interested in having me as your private trainer?--> Love the podcast? Officially join the FWW Podcast fit fam by sharing this episode and tagging me! |
Wed, 14 September 2022
No time is every going to be the right time to try new things or set big goals. Most of the time we just have to do our best and go after the goals anyways. Sometimes though, where you are in life really doesn't line up with goals and for that it's important to be realistic and give yourself grace. Or just sign up for a 50K trail race because you're crazy... is that just me? Support FWW Podcast: Complete the 14 Day FREE Ignite Reset Challenge! --> Interested in having me as your private trainer?--> Love the podcast? Officially join the FWW Podcast fit fam by sharing this episode and tagging me! |
Fri, 9 September 2022
Today is a special episode I hope you take the time to listen in and share your thoughts. Fear... it can stop us and our lives or we can become aware of it and proceed to live our lives and our passions. I choose to live my life. Today's run was for Liza and all the other women who can't run any more or are too afraid. Life sucks sometimes. But here's how and why I keep running strong. Go Guarded Ring: To Support FWW Podcast: Complete the 14 Day FREE Ignite Reset Challenge! --> Interested in working with me as your private personal trainer? Love the podcast? Officially join the FWW Podcast fit fam by sharing this episode and tagging me! |
Wed, 7 September 2022
Today, I am welcoming pelvic floor specialist, Dr. Amanda Olson to talk all things! Is your pelvic floor too tight? Too lose? Suffer from PCOS? Endometreosis? Is pelvic care different for vaginal births and c-sections? And so much more! Connect with Dr. Olson at To Support The FWW Podcast: Complete the 14 Day FREE Ignite Reset Challenge! 14 days... day by day training plan and beginner focused workouts. Why not give it a go!? You'd be silly not to. --> Interested in working with me as your private personal trainer? Love the podcast? Officially join the FWW Podcast fit fam by sharing this episode and tagging me! |
Fri, 2 September 2022
If your body is giving signs you're working out too much... what should you do? If your doctor told you to back off workouts... should you listen? In today's Fit Quickie, we're answering a listener's question on dealing with amenorrhea (no period) from over working out. What is too much? What are realistic expectations when you cut back on workouts and more! How To Support The FWW Podcast: Complete the 14 Day FREE Ignite Reset Challenge! 14 days... day by day training plan and beginner focused workouts. Why not give it a go!? You'd be silly not to. --> Interested in working with me as your private personal trainer? Love the podcast? Officially join the FWW Podcast fit fam by sharing this episode and tagging me! |
Wed, 31 August 2022
I am stoked to have Youtube sisters and entrepreneurs, Brookley and Bailey McKnight on to talk about their recent 28 day adventure visiting every state in the continental US to bring awareness to a huge issue: Period Poverty! 16.9 million women in America are currently experiencing the inability to pay for period products! That's 16.9 million too many. Listen to find out why and how we can help. Alliance For Period Supplies: To connect with B&B: More About Kindal: Plus, my 14 day FREE Ignite Reset Challenge is officially launched! 14 days... day by day training plan and beginner focused workouts. Why not give it a go!? You'd be silly not to. IGNITE: Interested in working with me as your private personal trainer? If you have a question you'd like answered on the show, let me know! Love the podcast? Officially join the FWW Podcast fit fam by sharing this episode and tagging me! |
Fri, 26 August 2022
What's the truth about starting and running a fitness business? Great question and I'm being super honest in this episode when I share what I wish I had known beforehand, what I would do differently and what I focus on most. Like... my first priority isn't being a trainer! Plus, my 14 day FREE Ignite Reset Challenge is officially launched! 14 days... day by day training plan and beginner focused workouts. Why not give it a go!? You'd be silly not to. IGNITE: Interested in working with me as your private personal trainer? If you have a question you'd like answered on the show, let me know! Love the podcast? Officially join the FWW Podcast fit fam by sharing this episode and tagging me! |
Wed, 24 August 2022
6 very important tips to help you plan, prep and track food easily without headaches or guilt for not doing it "good enough". What's the difference between tracking cooked vs uncooked? The 3 different levels of meal prepping (and not one is superior). And so much more! I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I loved putting it together. Listen to find out! Interested in working with me as your private personal trainer? If you have a question you'd like answered on the show, let me know! Love the podcast? Officially join the FWW Podcast fit fam by sharing this episode and tagging me! |
Fri, 19 August 2022
Fit Quickie episode dropping to answer this important question: If you aren't seeing results with your workouts and you want more strength and more muscle definition (aka you want to get toned), what should you do to break free of the workout platea? Listen to find out! Interested in getting coached by me? If you have a question you'd like covered on the podcast, let me know! Let's Connect: Love the podcast? Officially join the FWW Podcast fit fam by sharing this episode and tagging me! |
Wed, 17 August 2022
A lot to break down today to help you with your training progress and body! If you find yourself with bad posture and rounded shoulders... this one is for you. It's an easy fix but one that needs to happen asap! Plus... what's the best brace, belt or strap for lifting? Ugh... my answer might surprise you! Stop the negative talk... work for new goals... and so much more. :) Interested in getting coached by me? If you have a question you'd like covered on the podcast, let me know! Let's Connect: Love the podcast? Officially join the FWW Podcast fit fam by sharing this episode and tagging me! |
Fri, 12 August 2022
Is it important to hit 10,000 steps on days where your workouts are higher intensity or maybe you do another form of cardio? That's the Friday Fit Quickie question we need to discuss! Plus, if your FitBit breaks... you need to know this tip to get a new one at a way better price! Interested in Private Coaching with me? If you have a question you'd like covered on the podcast, let me know! Let's Connect: Love the podcast? Officially join the FWW Podcast fit fam by sharing this episode and tagging me! |
Wed, 10 August 2022
Amanda Hinman is a holistic hormone specialist and owner of Hinman Holistic. Through her education and personal experience Amanda is an expert on the good, the bad and the balancing of hormones for women. In this episode, we discuss stress and hormones, insulin, cortisol, and what you can do (and eat) to help balance your hormones and control your stress. Visit for more. Interested in Private Coaching with me? If you have a question you'd like covered on the podcast, let me know! Let's Connect: Love the podcast? Officially join the FWW Podcast fit fam by sharing this episode and tagging me! |
Fri, 5 August 2022
Friday's Fit Quickie turned into a full episode chatting all things: - How to effective strengthen your core without doing ab exercises. You don't have to do crunches and leg raises for a strong, protective core. - Crossfit Games (who I think will win)... - And telling you what you need to hear to feel more confident, more capable and more put together. Interested in Private Coaching? If you have a question you'd like covered on the podcast, let me know! Let's Connect: Love the podcast? Officially join the FWW Podcast fit fam by sharing this episode and tagging me! |
Wed, 3 August 2022
Is it unsafe to cut out all sugar from your daily diet? Can it affect your insulin levels? Blood sugar levels? Here's what you need to know about sugar detoxes. Also: - Tips for reducing sugar (that's never a bad idea) If you have a question you'd like covered on the podcast, let me know! Interested in Private Coaching? Let's Connect: Love the podcast? Officially join the FWW Podcast fit fam by sharing this episode and tagging me! |
Sat, 30 July 2022
This isn't medical advice but instead my personal experience over the past days and how to mentally get back into the swing of things and your fitness routine after being knocked down physically. What a week. Said goodbye to our fitness studio in the worst possible way which was simultaneously poetic justice. Listen to laugh at the chaos with me. Need accountability, better workouts & nutrition custom designed with YOUR goals? 4 week private coaching: Let's Connect: Love the podcast? Officially join the FWW Podcast fit fam by sharing this episode and tagging me! |
Wed, 27 July 2022
Carb cycling: purposefully eating more or less carbohydrates depending on workouts or the time of day. Is this something you need or should do for performance or aesthetics? Find out. Other topics in this episode: Need accountability, better workouts & nutrition custom designed with YOUR goals? 4 week private coaching: Let's Connect: Love the podcast? Officially join the FWW Podcast fit fam by sharing this episode and tagging me! |
Fri, 22 July 2022
After a long run, I'm closing my fitness studio to focus on other goals. Plus, I'm answering listener questions so we can get to know each other better! Hope you enjoy :) Get info on my 4 week private coaching: Let's Connect: If you love the podcast, officially join the FWW Podcast family by sharing this episode and tagging me! |
Wed, 20 July 2022
The OG listeners of the FWW Podcast will be familar with Hamilton. He's my workout wifey, Alex's husband and the man behind Charleston's local farm: King Tide Farms (Insta: In this episode Hamilton shares his journey to creating a full functioning vertical farm out of a shipping container. Plus, why buying local vegetables is the way to go, especially with greens and just how many varieties of lettuce are there? You'll be amazed. This episode is so interesting and I hope you love it as much as I did recording it. Get info on my 4 week private coaching: Let's Connect: If you love the podcast, officially join the FWW Podcast family by sharing this episode and tagging me! |
Fri, 15 July 2022
If your goal is to change your body composition (burn body fat, maintain/build muscle) but feel overwhelmed with what to do when with your diet... Here's where to start! Just 3 simple but important tweaks can make a big difference. Listen in and let me know if these help you. Get info on my 4 week private coaching: Let's Connect: If you love the podcast, officially join the FWW Podcast family by sharing this episode and tagging me! |
Wed, 13 July 2022
What are the 4 signs you need more carbs in your life? Seems harmless right? It was the title of a recent article which had some great points except they got two things VERY VERY wrong. I have to talk it out with you! Plus, the biggest mistakes I made starting out as a trainer, vacation workouts, and the realness of social media. Am I who I say I am? Let's Connect: |
Fri, 8 July 2022
Are you structuring your strength workouts correctly? Find out in today's episode! Plus, the 3 kitchen gadgets I can't live without. Links below. Are you subscribed to the podcast? Don't miss next week's episodes. Summer Shred! Lock in your spot today: SHRED INFO: Let's Connect: Chicken Shears: |
Wed, 6 July 2022
You want to get stronger, fitter, faster... etc. But to do any of those things you need to push harder, lift heavier and run faster/farther. So is rating how hard you work a good way to track progress? We call this your RPE, rate of PERCEIVED exertion. And we need to have a little chat about it. Listen in. Plus, learn about the Shred... lifting with rings on... and doing box jumps even though they scare the crap out of you. Thanks for listening! Summer Shred! Lock in your spot today: SHRED INFO: Let's Connect: |
Fri, 1 July 2022
This week's topic: Back loading calories. Trying to eat small meals through the day but ending the day with ravenous hunger and mindless snacking which ends up over eating. Let's end this #1 nutrition habit and start building new, healthier habits! Summer Shred! Lock in your spot today: SHRED INFO: Let's Connect: |
Wed, 29 June 2022
This episode is jammed packed with good nuggets of fitness and nutrition information! Keep the questions coming and I'll continue to answer away. Is it better to increase the number of reps you do or increase the weight you use for progressive overload for strength results? Is it normal to be bloated after every meal? You've been tracking macros and calories but the scale isn't budging... what needs to change to see weight loss results? And details on the Summer Shred! Have you snagged your spot yet? SHRED INFO: Let's Connect: |
Fri, 24 June 2022
What are some of my guilty pleasures that I endulge in? From food to prodcuts, I'm sharing all. Which if any surprised you? What are your guilty pleasures? Skin Care Brands: Trula, Super Goop Glow, Philosophy & Biossance Ready for the summer shred? SHRED INFO: Let's Connect:
Direct download: guilty-pleasures_-_62322_11.59_AM.mp3
Category:Fitness for Women -- posted at: 2:01am PST |
Wed, 22 June 2022
Quick breakdown of what to expect in Episode 421! I answer the following awesome listener questions:
Plus, I share how to be your own super hero in order to instantly boost your confidence! Spoiler... I'm Blue Viper! And lastly... ready for the summer shred? SHRED INFO: Athletic Greens: "FWW" at Let's Connect: |
Fri, 17 June 2022
You know to lose weight, you have to burn more calories than you take in... so when I got this question: Is there a set number of calories you should aim to burn during workouts to lose weight? I thought it was important to address it! I'll share calorie info, the best type of workout and more to hit your caloric deficit goals. Also... should you track exercise in nutrition tracking apps like My Fitness Pal? Let's discuss. Have you signed up for the Summer Shred yet!? SHRED INFO: Let's connect: |
Wed, 15 June 2022
We put so much emphasis and success on bodies getting smaller from workouts. But what happens when your body grows from strength training? Bigger lats, butts, quads, etc... how can you no only accept these amazing changes but embrace them? Let's chat about it! Plus: - Summer Shred registration opens up today! Link below to grab your spot before they're gone! SUMMER SHRED: Let's connect:
Direct download: body_changes_for_bigger_mucsles.mp3
Category:Fitness for Women -- posted at: 2:00am PST |
Fri, 10 June 2022
Friday Fit Quickie... how to improve your deadlift with 3 fast and easy corrections. Are you make any of these 3 mistakes? Do you know if your deadlift needs help? Listen in to instantly feel stronger and more confidently the next time you walk up to a bar for deadlifts. Micro Coaching is BACK! Let's connect: |
Wed, 8 June 2022
Change is hard but if you aren't satisfied with something in your life... your fitness, your body, relationships, work... don't let fear of failure stop you from moving forward. Change is a phase and on the other side is a new, better normal. Listen in for some motivation! Plus, the top fitness equipment for a home workout studio! What makes my list and what did I leave off? Micro Coaching is BACK! 4 week personal coaching program with me! Only 4 spots are open, get yours here: Let's connect: |
Fri, 3 June 2022
A few weeks ago, I shared the 5 exercises I'd only do and it only makes sense to share the 5 exercises I'd never do!
What would be on your list? Micro Coaching spots re-open next week! DM if you'd like to be the first to know. Let's connect: |
Wed, 1 June 2022
The science of squats! Why squat depth matters, what squat variations can you add to your training and more!
Plus, what was my wedding like? I loved this question and going back 12 years to reminisce. Other topics: Murph Memorial Day Workout Recap Visit for more on how to train with me daily. Let's connect: |
Fri, 27 May 2022
These aren't just pet peeves of mine but also red flags to consider when following fitness "experts" online.
Some are funny but some really get me going which you'll hear! What are some pet peeves of yours? Micro Coaching! 4 week personal coaching program with me, 1-on-1! Only 2 spots open, get yours here: Let's connect: |
Wed, 25 May 2022
Trainer Pet Peeve coming out on this episode. Why moves like deadlifts + curls are silly even if short on time. What can you do to get the most out of your workouts when time is cut short? Listen in! Plus, my thoughts on programs like B.Body, YouTube free workouts and more. Oh and swing form. Can't forget that! Micro Coaching! 4 week personal coaching program with me, 1-on-1! Only 2 spots open, get yours here: Let's connect:
Fri, 20 May 2022
Friday Fit Quickie! If I was only able to do 5 exercises for the rest of my life, which would I do and why? This list might surprise you! What would be on your list? Micro Coaching! Virtual 4 week accelerated coaching program with me, 1-on-1: Let's connect: |
Wed, 18 May 2022
This episode is jam packed with good stuff and announcements.
The biggest being the new release of Micro Coaching! 4 week accelerated coaching program with me, 1-on-1! Only 10 spots open, get yours here: Plus... The #1 most underrated style of strength training everyone should do but most don't. How do I communicate anxiety with my spouse? Dealing with intentional weight gain and how to not feel discouraged by slow results. Let's connect: |
Fri, 13 May 2022
Fitness finshers... what should they be and why most trainers and fitfluencers who think they're trainers are getting them all wrong. Pet peeve talk coming! Plus, let's continue the GPD (Great Panty Debate)... to wear underwear or not when you workout? Let's chat it out. Happy friday! Monday, May 16th kicks off a new session with FWW Live. Join in the training fun by visiting and sign up for a free trial! |
Wed, 11 May 2022
Want to partake in the next FWW Live session? It starts Monday May 16th! Head to to sign up for free and start getting stronger, faster, better! But that's not all! Let's talk feet and ankles. How to make them stronger and more mobile. This is so important and often neglected. Don't neglect your toesies! And let's change from being a perfectionist to being your best. This concept hit hard and hope it hits with you too! Remember to sign up for your FWW Live trial! |
Fri, 6 May 2022
Fit Quickie Friday... a short episode to cover an important topic: Take time off. Do you ever take breaks from working out? Maybe, depending on your current workouts, you don't need to. Maybe this is your official prescription to take a few days off. Where do you fall? Plus, this is your invite to join me for the next session of FWW Live! Try it out for FREE starting today. RSVP to your invite by going to: Let's connect: |
Wed, 4 May 2022
I share a lot on this podcast including very personal successes and struggles.
Today, I feel naked and I share my 38 year journey with anxiety. The pros, cons, effects and more. I hope you can relate to this and enjoy the show. If you do, please let me know. Feel free to email me or DM me on Instagram. We're all in this together and I love talking with you. For more in Athletic Greens, visit and use code FWW for bonus goodies at check out! |
Fri, 29 April 2022
Short, sweet but filled with the good stuff! Like how to quickly get rid of love handles/muffin tops? How to do pistol squats? The song you have to listen to right now! AND... my secret love of pulling weeds. What's a fun fact about you that people find unique? Let's connect: |
Wed, 27 April 2022
The 1st Bulldog Challenge in 3 years! This local 10k obstacle race has been a challenge I've done 4 times previously and had high hopes for its return this year.
Did it live up to the hype? What is it? How did my amazing team do? And more. Spoiler... it wasn't like the previous 4 times I've done this. Better? Worst? Listen and find out! Do you do OCRs? Let's connect: |
Fri, 22 April 2022
It's race week for the Bulldog Challenge OCR. This 4 person team event has always been a blast but it's been since 2019 since the last race. Here's what I'm doing this week to prepare for a great race day! If you have questions let me know |
Wed, 20 April 2022
This interview was a dream come true! JJR is my favorite Cake Designer and host of the best YouTube show, You've Been Desserted. But baking cakes isn't his only passion. We talk fashion, Florence & The Machine, fitness and nutrition to create a well balanced life for happiness and health! Connect: |
Fri, 15 April 2022
Happy 402nd episode of the FWW Podcast! I can't believe we're still chugging along, chatting every week! And I wouldn't have it any other way. so thank you!
I didn't get to celebrate the 400th but it needed to be mentioned. Also on the show: - Is it okay for women to take creatine? Let's chat it out in 15 minutes. |
Wed, 13 April 2022
Samantha Wilson breaks down hypnosis and breaks free of the stereotypes of magical spells and swinging pocket watches to share what hypnotherapy is and what it can do for women to break free of their mental barriers to come out stronger and more confident. This episode was so fun and the energy is contagious so get ready to get pumped. Find out more about Babes Against Bullshit: Tell me your thoughts! Let's connect: "FWW" |
Fri, 8 April 2022
How did I not realize this was going to be episode 400!? We'll have to celebrate on episode 401 for sure because there just wasn't time in the Fit Quickie (and I clearly forgot). Today, let's spend 10 minutes talking about tracking your food when eating out. Do you need to? What's the most efficient way? Tricks for a balanced but enjoyable eating out experience... and more!
Direct download: ffq-tracking_at_restaurants.mp3
Category:Fitness for Women -- posted at: 1:35am PST |
Wed, 6 April 2022
Today is my birthday... I'm 38 years young and celebrating by sharing the most valuable lessons learned over the past year. But I always wanted to hear from you and what advice you would give your younger self. Listeners did not dissapoint. Listen for some words of encouragement, wisdom and self care! Support the show and celebrate by birthday by supporting our sponsor: Athletic Greens at use "FWW" at checkout for free goodies! |
Fri, 1 April 2022
What does it take to look like a fitness influencer or magazine fitness model?
What does a fit body look like when you workout more days a week than you rest? Cellulite, stretch marks, muffins tops and more in this chat and more to come. Let's connect! |
Wed, 30 March 2022
What exercises should you be doing to strengthen your knees? How can you train to decrease knee pain? Let's talk it out for healthier knees and a stronger body! Plus what underwear is best for working out? And my honest answer for leaning out if you've had a history of disordered eating. Might not be what you want to hear. But it's what you might need to hear. Support the podcast by checking out and using code "FWW" for extra goodies at check out including a year support of Vitamin D and a box of travel packs. Ready to try FWW Live? for 2 full weeks free! |
Fri, 25 March 2022
Feeling like you putter out on workouts sooner than you'd like and want to be able to push harder, longer? Here's how to increase your engine to build more cardio, more intensity, and more power in your workouts! Let's connect: Love the show? Make sure to subscribe and share! |
Wed, 23 March 2022
Ever feel bad when life gets busy and you can't workout? How to handle it so you come back strong and healthy! Plus, why you feel nauseous during workouts and how to avoid it. Plus more! Let's connect: |
Fri, 18 March 2022
Today's quick tip is about pushing through workouts when things get tough! Here's my secret to make workouts seem easier so you stay mentally strong and physically stronger! Plus the morning cocktail that makes my day! |
Wed, 16 March 2022
My friend April joins the podcast today to share her 4 year adventure in Mexico and Guatemala with her husband and 2 boys. What made them sell all their belongings and move south of the border? How much money did they save? How is life different? They're living the life many of us dream of and I can't wait for you to hear her story! Connect to April: Let's chat:
Fri, 11 March 2022
Part of my job is to create training plans. Part of my job is to workout live and coach others through the sessions. Part of my workout is to help people live a painfree, more mobile life. And part of my job is to inspire and motivate women to push themselves to better results. That's the goal of this short episode. When is the last time you REALLY pushed yourself hard? Without fear or judgement? Listen in and give it a go.
Direct download: friday_fit_quickie_-_pep_talk.mp3
Category:Fitness for Women -- posted at: 2:00am PST |
Wed, 9 March 2022
Is there a difference in the calories you burn with strength training versus cardio workouts? Which is best for weight loss? What about hiit? How many calories do you burn doing 30 minutes of each one? Let's break it all down! Let's connect:
Direct download: cardio_vs_strength_calories.mp3
Category:Fitness for Women -- posted at: 2:01am PST |
Fri, 4 March 2022
In any profession it's important to stay in your lane and know your strengths and weaknessess. But especially when what you do has the ability to help or harm people. A listener asked how she should go about telling her gym's fitness instructor she's teaching kettlebell swings all wrong? Or should she say anything? Let's just say, you won't see me teaching olympic lifting anytime soon. I'll admit 100% that's not something I know anything about. But let's hear the full response! |
Wed, 2 March 2022
Dr Jennifer Heisz runs the NeuroFit Lab at McMaster University where she studies the connection between the brain and fitness for physical and mental health.
This episode is loaded with interesting nuggets on serotonin, endocannibinoids, dopamine, and more... production driven by the workouts you do. Which workouts are the best? How does fitness help and hurt stress? And so much more! Let's connect:
Fri, 25 February 2022
Friday Fit Quickie! Exercise is about keeping a body strong and mobile. It goes beyond just lifting as heavy as possible. These moves are hugely beneficial at helping build strength, increase range of motion and increase mobility! Do you do them already? Let's connect: |
Wed, 23 February 2022
February is American Heart Health Month. This is an important topic to me as heart disease runs in the fam as well as to millions of others. What can you do to keep your heart healthy and beating strong? What to avoid? What to look for? And more! Thank you to Dr. Kimberly Wright for hanging out today. Check her out at: Let's connect: |
Fri, 18 February 2022
Sweet and short Friday Fit Quickie talking about maintenance phase vs aiming to change something with your body... Whether that's weight loss or increased strength. Is it okay to be forever chasing body goals without taking a break? If you have been trying to lose weight forever... Or push the intensity in the gym focusing on progressive overload forever... You need to listen in! Let me know your thoughts: |
Wed, 16 February 2022
What happens when you work hard to get stronger with a lift or exercise and start focusing on something new? How do you maintain the gains you achieved? Plus, how does cooking affect nutrition? Are cooked vegetables less nutritious then raw vegetables? Let's connect:
Fri, 11 February 2022
For new listeners and old, I think it's important to get to know the podcasters you're spending time listening to. Today's episode is a Friday Fit (kinda) Quickie sharing who I am and having fun answering Never Have I Evers. Feel free to tell me about yourself too! Ep. 340 is my personal story of disordered eating referenced in this episode. Let's connect:
Wed, 9 February 2022
Did you know your body can give you a killer natural high thanks to it's ability to produce endocannabinoids? Listen in on how to train for mental and physical benefits with hiit, strength and steady state. Plus... - How much water is too much? How to pee less! And more! Let's connect:
Direct download: Hiit_training_endocannibinoids.mp3
Category:Fitness for Women -- posted at: 12:00am PST |
Fri, 4 February 2022
And some serious mindset chat. What does fit mean to you? On a scale of 1-10 how much do you rely on motivation vs discipline for your training right now? Do you have a hard time working out when mojo is lacking? Let's talk about it: |
Wed, 2 February 2022
Stuck doing the same amount of pushups or pullups (or any exercise) and tired of being in a plateau? Listen in on how to train to increase exercise endurance and add more reps! Plus, why you should never ask someone what they eat. And a killer workout of the week!
Fri, 28 January 2022
Good news, craving sugar leading up to your period isn't only normal, it's actually part of a healthy cycle. That doesn't mean eating an entire pan of brownies is okay though. Here's a Fit Quickie on pms sugar cravings and how to handle them for balanced nutrition without guilt or deprivation. |
Wed, 26 January 2022
There's a big difference between doing an ab workout and doing a core workout. Let's dive into it so your workout is balanced and perfect! Plus, not giving up on your January goals as the month ends and reminding ourselves that food doesn't control you. Let's dive it! |
Fri, 21 January 2022
Episode 374 and 376, we talked protein and fat. How much you need for a balanced diet. Today, we're quickly discussing how many carbohydrates people should consume and how to calculate your specific amount for calories and grams.
Are you loving these Friday short episodes? Let's connect and chat! and |
Wed, 19 January 2022
I love this episode! We'll chat:
BC Study:
Fri, 14 January 2022
Episode 375, I shared how much protein you should consume and how to easily hit it.
Today, we're quickly going to discuss how much fat people should consume and how to calculate your specific amount for calories and grams. Next week, we'll finish the series with a fit quickie on carb intake! Love this? Let me know! Let's connect and chat! and |
Wed, 12 January 2022
I have a fun, free challenge for you! Are you up for 30 days of swinging a kettlebell? If you love a challenge or need some extra motivation to workout, try this! Plus, are flat shoes and working out barefoot equal? If not, which is best? And tips to knock out a long hike! |