Fit Womens Weekly Podcast

The final episode of 2020. After a quick recap of our mountain Christmas and hiking get away... we're going to talk fitness.

- What does being fit mean?
- 7 Tips to be more consistent with fitness as we move into a new year.
- Setting goals and a word for the year.
- And more!

Join me on my 8 week coaching program:

Direct download: Last_2020_podcast.mp3
Category:Fitness for Women -- posted at: 5:00am PST

Having a hard time eating enough calories?
If you know you're under eating, how can you break free and start fueling your body properly? 

Current Events: When a race says they are taking safety precautions but clearly lied... do you leave the race or run faster to get away from everyone? 

And finally get the details on the challenge at

Direct download: Christmas_Week.mp3
Category:Fitness for Women -- posted at: 5:00am PST

Great ready for an episode full of holiday fun and tips!

First... My thoughts on Peloton. Is it worth it? The pros and cons from a trainer. Will I ever own one and would I recommend it?

I want you to make January feel like a win, so we're covering 7 mistakes made with resolution making and how to set up for success.


- 6 Tips for a healthier holiday season
- How to improve your pushups

Comeback Challenge:

Direct download: Peloton-Episode.mp3
Category:Fitness for Women -- posted at: 8:19am PST

How much exercise do you need to balance out sitting for hours a day? Research has finally figured this out and we're going to chat it up.

Plus, WHO released its first workout update in 10 years on how often, how long, and what kinds of workouts are best for longevity and health. And the recommendations are awesome.

For more on the NY Comeback Challenge:

Direct download: WHO-guidelines.mp3
Category:Fitness for Women -- posted at: 5:00am PST

How have I recorded 300 episodes of FWW Podcast? It goes without saying, but thank you. Thank you for listening and being a part of my life.


A quick look back over the podcast. Favorite guests, episodes and why my husband can't be on the show.

Best tips for shin splits

Killer burpee workout

Comeback Challenge:

Direct download: 300th.mp3
Category:Fitness for Women -- posted at: 10:21am PST