Fit Womens Weekly Podcast

8 weeks of high fat, low carb have come and gone. Let's catch up on the whys, hows and outcome of following a strict keto diet for 8 weeks. 

Would I recommend it for weight loss? Who's it for, how to go about it and what were the pros and cons?

Plus, I'll get personal about my 1 week exercise break and share how it's going after 4 days to handle my exercise addiction and mental health.

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Direct download: keto-exercise.mp3
Category:Fitness for Women -- posted at: 8:49am PST

An informative podcast today. The hack to stay motivated to workout even after 10 years. What keeps me going and how does a workout differ from getting your fitness on?

The benefits of barefoot training. Why its not only ok, but I recommend slipping your feet out of your shoes for your next workout.

Benefits of bone broth even during the summer!

And listener question: What if you’re actually happy with your body? How to push through the temptations of dieting or weight loss when everyone else around you seems to want to lose weight this summer?

Plus more!

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Direct download: gettingfitnesson.mp3
Category:Fitness for Women -- posted at: 9:02am PST

Sara Grey is one busy woman and I'm fortunate she was able to fit me into her day to talk being a strong woman (keeping up with 4 boys), the power of Ayurvedic Herbs (Ashwaganda and more) and power flowers.

Be prepared to learn and be inspired in this week's episode. 

Biggest piece of advice? Fail hard. 

Connect with Sara: 


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Direct download: sara-grey.mp3
Category:Fitness for Women -- posted at: 8:43am PST

How do you continue to stay motivated when the compliments and validation from others slows down? Because it always does. You're doing great, seeing results and everyone notices and comments.

But they can't give you a pat on the back forever. What happens next? 

Ashley and I also talk life, taking rest days because you need them versus because you want to think you need them. 

We also cover some great workouts, progress, Strong Balls vs Bites and Keto updates! This is FILLED with great info! 

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Direct download: 7-4-podcast.mp3
Category:Fitness for Women -- posted at: 7:35am PST