Fit Womens Weekly Podcast

In this episode, Kindal shares 8 tricks to boost the intensity of your workouts, especially if you're working out alone at home. 

Pushing yourself outside your comfort zone is crucial if you want results, so listen up. :) 

We'll also cover new recipes, a super quick Crossfit Games recap and the mini-Atalanta workout I did to celebrate an awesome event.

Make sure to subscribe to get access to new episodes as soon as they're released and let's connect at

Direct download: 8-ways-to-push-hard.mp3
Category:Fitness for Women -- posted at: 5:00am PST

I'm going to sound insane when I say abs aren't made in the kitchen.

Sure, food is important to how your body looks, but there is an element that is just as important and we're talking about it today. I'll share my favorite ab exercises and the real deal about core training.

Plus, my skincare routine that's been keeping my face cystic acne free for almost a year.

Direct download: abs_and_skincare.mp3
Category:Fitness for Women -- posted at: 5:00am PST

These are the secrets it's taken me 36 years to learn that help cut through the BS of what's healthy and what's not when it comes to food.

Some you may know, some may be new to you and refreshing to hear. I hope all 12 help.

If you're interested in joining my Finish Fit & Fueled, email me Kindal(at) or DM me on Instagram @TrainerKindal.

Would love make healthy eating easy. 

Direct download: clean_eating_secrets.mp3
Category:Fitness for Women -- posted at: 5:00am PST

If your glutes aren't firing, does that mean your butt doesn't work? Let's talk glute activation, what it means and how to get your booty working properly.

Plus, the FWW Live Sweaty Selfie Contest (go to and the awesome kettlebell swag.

I won a fitness challenge...
How to cook okra and more! 

Follow daily at

Direct download: Sweaty_Selfie_Contest.mp3
Category:Fitness for Women -- posted at: 5:00am PST