Fit Womens Weekly Podcast

This was a great interview. I ended up loving Yasmina so much... such an amazing woman. I think you'll really enjoy this interview too and you'll get a lot from it that you can use in your diet.

Specifically, you'll learn:

What is a histamine anyway and how does it relate to your diet?

Yasmina's personal story of 20 years going through misdiagnosis before finding and had an anti-histamine intolerance.

How chronic diseases are affected by histamines.

What dietary changes can help the situation and probably help you too!

Plus how to experiment with your own diet in easy and fun ways.

Enjoy this interview!

Direct download: what-the-fitness-36.mp3
Category:Interviews -- posted at: 6:05pm PDT

It's been awhile since my last podcast. Sorry about that. I have some more great interviews lined up. Today's is amazing with Theodora Blanchfield who has lost over 50 pounds and better... she's kept it off. 

She is all about small changes that yield big results. Something I preach too... it really is amazing what one small thing can do on the big scale.

You will learn what her steps were starting her weight loss journey which will really help you if you're starting or if you're in the middle of your own.

Plus you'll learn how not to get caught in the trap of losing weight. How to find your ideal body size and type and then switch to maintenance mode. This is really important and something many women don't talk about enough.

Direct download: what-the-fitness-35.mp3
Category:Interviews -- posted at: 9:43am PDT